Throughout the history of war movies, women have played unique and interesting roles. You might think though that it would be odd for a women to play a major role in a war movie and films like Black Hawk Down (2001) and Saving Private Ryan (1998) heed little or no attention to them. Interestingly the movies that do concentrate on women's roles in war films treat them solely as hurdles that need to be overcome in order to obtain absolute masculinity, or a threat to victory. I should add though that not all war films with women take this perspective, but many do (many films have also portrayed them as healers also).

Throughout many war films, women sadly seem to get a bad rap. This is primarily because of the anti-feministic mentality that military service takes. When you go into the army you don't bake cakes and read Shakespeare. You go in too fight for your country and learn to give it your all. Leaving behind things such as desires for love shows a strong sense of dedication for ones patriotism also. Love is not a bad thing, it just become complicated when war is involved.