In the 1960s, American cinema was at it's all time low attendance. Hollywood was pouring more money then ever into films and getting the least bang for buck known to man. A few films were slightly successful, but overall the film industry was dieing and television was still consistently growing. Deciding to take a risk with an experimental film, Columbia pictures would distribute the most successful film seen in years.

Dennis Hopper's Easy Riders was extremely experimental (therefor risky), but even cheaper too make. It would become an immediate success since it was geared towards a younger generation that no films had targeted. Previous films were marketed to older generations and companies hadn't thought of selling their products with younger crowds. The film was an amazing success and Hollywood discovered the potential of kids backed by the International Bank of Mom and Dad. It was an untapped gold mine that future generations of marketing and massive corporations would follow. Since the films were so cheap many other movies would quickly follow suite.

Today Easy Riders is still considered one of the greatest breakthrough films. It approached issues in society relevant to a younger generation, in a way that had never been done before. It also saved the theaters and production studios from having to close. People today are now seeing a similar occurrence with independent films on the market.
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